Emergency Information:

What To Do

Stay calm. Many dental problems can be dealt with at home, until you have an opportunity to see your dentist. However, if your emergency is life-threatening or if you are in extreme pain, dial 911 and notify emergency medical professionals immediately.

General Problems

  • Numbness:  Numbness usually lasts for approximately 2 – 4 hours after treatment. If still experiencing numbness after eight hours, contact your dentist.
  • Pain:  If you are experiencing pain even after taking over the counter pain relievers, contact your dentist for a possible prescription.
  • Bleeding:  If bleeding is persistent and if you are unable to stop it with pressure, contact your dentist immediately
  • Infection:  Rinse mouth with warm salt water. If swelling persists, contact your dentist

Jaw Problems

Jaw Injury:

1. If your teeth fit together properly when your mouth is closed:

  • Apply ice to control swelling and take ibuprofen or similar remedy to control pain
  • Restrict diet to soft foods and if no improvement occurs within 24 hours, contact your dentist

2. If your teeth do NOT fit together properly when the mouth is closed:

  • Immediately seek emergency care
  • Gently align the jaws
  • Immobilize the jaw by wrapping a cloth bandage under the chin and securing it over the head
  • Apply ice
  • Do NOT blow nose

Injury to the soft tissues (gums, cheek, tongue) of mouth:

  1. Gently rinse out your mouth with cold water.
  2. Apply pressure to the wound with clean cloth, gauze, or tissue.
  3. If bleeding persists, contact your dentist or visit a medical emergency room.

Tooth Problems

Broken/fractured tooth:

  1. Clean the injured area and apply ice to minimize swelling.
  2. Save the broken piece of tooth (for possible reattachment).
  3. Call your dentist immediately.

Extruded tooth (tooth pushed out of place):

  1. Gently push the tooth back into place, if possible.
  2. Call your dentist.

Avulsed tooth (tooth knocked out):

  1. Gently rinse off the tooth while holding it by the crown (the top of the tooth).
  2. Attempt to place the tooth back in the socket, or if that is not possible, briefly store the tooth in either cold milk or salt water.
  3. Call your dentist immediately.

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