Dental Technology

Your enjoyable dental experience depends on your comfort and safety. The Maple Grove Dental team utilizes the latest technological advances in both dental equipment and techniques to ensure your satisfaction with your visit and your continued excellent health.

Digital X-rays

Digital radiograph results in less exposure to radiation for our patients and an almost instantaneous picture for our dentists.


The CariVu allows Dr. Obiokovitz and Dr. Tauschek to see through the tooth exposing its structure and the actual structure of any decay or cracks with very high accuracy.

Intraoral Cameras

Our intraoral camera displays your teeth on a video screen, allowing Dr. Obiokovitz or Dr. Tauschek to walk you through your proposed treatment.

Caesy Education System

CAESY patient education is a multimedia system that covers a wide variety of dentistry topics.

Digital Photography

Digital photography gives your dentist instant images to use for cosmetic imaging or images to keep on file to track your progress.

We love to connect with our patients!