Dr. Obiokovitz and Dr. Tauschek have the expertise to perform all kinds of procedures to help your smile. Maybe the most important service your dentist provides is the knowledge of what care you need. The CariVu – Caries Detection Device allows us to see through the tooth exposing its structure and the actual structure of any decay or cracks with very high accuracy.

Just as a cardiologist might measure your blood pressure and cholesterol to determine your risk for a heart attack, your dentist uses the CariVu device to identify issues in their beginning stages and to help him decide on a course of preventive care. When used together, a radiograph, an intra-oral photo and a CariVu image provide a comprehensive picture of the health of a patient’s tooth.

Caesy Education System

CAESY patient education is a multimedia system that covers a wide variety of dentistry topics.

We love to connect with our patients!